NUMS Green Youth Movement a wonderful initiative to contribute to greener Pakistan: VC NUMS

RAWALPINDI, Dec 15 (APP)::Vice Chancellor of National University of Medical Sciences (NUMS) Lt Gen Syed Muhammad Imran Majeed HI (M), (Retd) Wednesday termed climate change a threat to the global security, saying, it was impacting all fields of life.

The Vice Chancellor made his brief remarks after going round different stalls,set up by university students after launching ceremony of the Green Youth Movement(GYM) at NUMS PWD Campus here to raise awareness for contributing towards a greener Pakistan.

He said the kind of awareness, required to be raised in minds of the people was that, it was not only the responsibility of the Government alone but also us all, to get involved in green movement. GYM is a wonderful initiative with a much greater outreach in the society as it involves students and stresses upon the need to adopt environment-friendly habits.The climate change relates to plants, and if right kind of plants are grown in right type of organic environment, it would have lasting impact on human health, said the Vice Chancellor.

Earlier in his brief remarks at launching ceremony of GYM Club,organized by Department of Health Professions Education, Pro Vice Chancellor(Admn) NUMS Maj Gen Syed Ammar Reza Hamdani HI(M), (Retd) said that concept of Zero Waste campus should be introduced at the school level to educate children and to apprise them of the repercussions of climate change. He said the massive volume of garbage produced in our big cities were impacting the environment hence everyone should contribute towards a green Pakistan.

Pro VC said that launching of NUMS GYM was need of the hour as it would have spillover effect on other educational institutions. He also gave away appreciation certificates to the university workers in recognition of their exemplary services for turning NUMS PWD Campus into a Zero Waste place and termed it a great initiative to check environmental degradation.

In her presentation Assistant Prof Adeela Bashir said efforts were already being made to turn NUMS a Zero Waste Campus under the supervision of its multidisciplinary Environment Committee.

The Committee now has been renamed as Green Youth Movement as per requirements of the Higher Education Commission to involve students both individually and collectively for a cleaner Pakistan.

Over the last six months, NUMS has successfully reduced the amount of waste going to landfill sites by more than 75 per cent. This milestone has been achieved by implementing ZW practice by adopting 5 “Rs” (Reduce, Re-use, Recycle, Rot(Compost) and Raise awareness.”